How Infrared Scans Can Save You Money

WHAT IS AN INFRARED SCAN? Infrared scanning employs the use of a thermal imaging camera to measure a roof’s moisture levels. It reveals underlying damage invisible to the naked eye. A roof infrared moisture scan will pin-point the areas of your roof where moisture is present allowing tremendous cost savings on unnecessary replacement. Scans must be performed […]

How Much Will a New Roof Cost?

Google gets this questions all the time. And almost every article you read will tell you the same thing: a lot! There are many factors that go into determining the price of a roof and unfortunately, it’s just one of the “necessary evils” of owning a building. But Spray-Tec wants to make it less of […]

To Restore or Replace?

With the rise of HGTV and as many DIY shows as one can stand, you may have thought about the “Restore or Replace” option with your building’s roof! So we want to help you, presenting the benefits of roof restoration. Keep in mind that some roofs are so saturated with water they must be replaced. An […]